Be Proud, Be Responsible
This program focuses on reducing the occurrence of premature and unprotected sexual intercourse by educating young people ages 8 - 17 through individual and/or group counseling for not only teens at risk but also for their parents as well. Parental education is an integral commitment to this program. This program is conducted at eight community sites in Bridgeport. The project utilizes The Human Sexuality Mini-Series for Youth and Parents. This three to nine-session curriculum is geared towards preteens, teens, and their parents including education on decision-making, review of sexuality, substance abuse in pregnancy, male responsibility, date rape, STIs, and HIV/AIDS.
The Human Sexuality Mini-Series introduces teens and parents to basic anatomy, sexual development, and issues associated with teens and their sexuality. Evaluations of the program indicate significant positive outcomes, including increases in condom use and decreases in pregnancy by the participants of the program. Approximately, 2,500 youth and families benefit from this program annually.
This program is supported by the State of CT Department of Public Health.